Julia Nishizaki – Looking Outwards – 12

I am taking my second late day for this looking outwards post. Because I’m considering visualizing type as a part of my project, the two works I chose to look at explore type, one through sound, and the other through visuals.

A demonstration of typatone.com, an online instrument

The first work is typatone.com, by Lullatone and Jono Brandel, the same individuals who created patatap.com. I really enjoyed the visuals of patatap.com, but I like typatone’s direct connection between the user’s thoughts and what they see. It gives the sounds more meaning, and makes the interaction more personal.

“A Flowering Theory,” a visual depiction of the grammar structure of Darwin’s last lines in “On the Origin of Species”

The other work I decided to look at is called “A Flowering Theory,” by Stefanie Posavec and Abbie Stephens, and commissioned by Protein as a part of “Channel 4 Random Acts.” I was intrigued by this work, because rather than associate a sound or a visual with a single letter, Posavec analyzed the text’s grammatical structure, and the Stephens used that data to construct the growing plants and forms. I am interested in combining typatone.com’s more experimental approach and interactions, with visuals of flowers or smog that grow or change, like Posavec and Stephen’s interpretations.

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