Margot Gersing – Final Project

The goal of my final project was to create some interactive project that is simple but playful. When working on this project I took it very incrementally, building on the previous versions and trying to add more elements or making the previous ones better. As I worked my way through the code, I got more comfortable and became more efficient with the way I wrote it. I enjoyed working this way because I found it a lot less intimidating. I really enjoyed making this project. I think if I wanted to I could continue to add on to this. I think a logical next step could be incorporating sound.

Note: I made the canvas size larger then what wordpress can handle because I liked the look of it being a larger area. Below is a zip file of the full size files. The one on wordpress is basically the same just with a few composition adjustments.

Instructions: just use the mouse to play around with the scene. Type into the input bar and hit enter to change the type displayed on the screen.


//Margot Gersing - Final project - - Section E

//for blob shapes
//object one
var xOne;
var yOne;
var dOne;
var opaCityOne = 120;
var overOne = false;
//object two
var xTwo;
var yTwo;
var dTwo;
var opaCityTwo = 120;
var overTwo = false;
//object three
var xThree;
var yThree;
var dThree;
var opaCityThree = 110;
var overThree = false;
//object four
var xFour;
var yFour;
var dFour;
var opCityFour = 110;
var overFour = false;
//object five
var xFive;
var yFive;
var dFive;
var opCityFive = 110;
var overFive = false;

//snake -- code refrenced and modified from p5js examples
// --- link to code refrenced
var snakeX = []; //arrays for snake
var snakeY = [];
var snakeJoint = 10; //amount of joints
var snakeLength = 10; //length between

for (let i = 0; i < snakeJoint; i++) { //loading the joints and lenght into to x and y arrays
  snakeX[i] = 0;
  snakeY[i] = 0;

//for "pong" letters on screen
var letterString = "hello!"; //starting string
var playArray = []; //store the objects (letters and their movements)
var d = [-1, 1]; //direction of array
var input; //for typing

function setup() {
  createCanvas(800, 600);
  //for type
  textFont("Courier New"); //type style
  textSize(60); //typesize
  //for input bar 
  input = createInput(); //create the bar to type into
  input.position(50, 20);
  //for bouncing type, put string into array
  for(var i = 0; i < letterString.length; i++){ //load array with objects
    var x = map(i, 0, letterString.length, 100, width - 100); //map letters to begin
    var vvx = random(1, 5) * d[round(random(0, 1))]; //random velocity in x direction
    var vvy = random(1, 5) * d[round(random(0, 1))]; //random velocity in y direction
    playArray[i] = createLetter(x, width/2, letterString.charAt(i), vvx, vvy) //call object

function draw() {
  background(250, 120, 110);
  //call blob shapes
  //for snake
  stroke(87, 156, 128);
  dragSnake(0, mouseX, mouseY); //make snake move with mouse
  for (let i = 0; i < snakeX.length - 1; i++) { //create the moevment quality for the snake
    dragSnake(i + 1, snakeX[i], snakeY[i]);
  //get the letters to move around
  for(var i = 0; i < playArray.length; i++){ 
    var t = playArray[i]; 
    if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, t.x, t.y) < 30){ //when mouse hovers over letter
       t.vx = random(1, 5) * d[round(random(0, 1))]; //get new random velocity x
       t.vy = random(1, 5) * d[round(random(0, 1))]; //get new random velocity x
    if(t.x > width -30 || t.x < 30 || t.y > height - 30 || t.y < 30){ //when the letters hit the walls
       t.vx = -t.vx; //reverse the direction  
       t.vy = -t.vy;
    t.x = t.x + t.vx; //update the location of the letters
    t.y = t.y + t.vy;
    text(t.letter, t.x, t.y); //display it

function thingOne(){
  //activation circle
  xOne = 25; //location
  yOne = 100;
  dOne = 600; //diameter
  // Test if the cursor is over the box
  if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, xOne, yOne) < dOne / 2){ //if the mouse is over the activation ellipse -- var over one is true
    overOne = true;
    if (overOne == true) { //if true, then change value of opacity which chnages fill color of blob  
      opaCityOne = 200;
      fill(250, opaCityOne, 110); //changing the fill
  } else { //other wise go back to orignal color
    if (opaCityOne >= 120) opaCityOne = opaCityOne - 3; //fades out 
    fill(250, opaCityOne, 110);
    overOne = false;

function drawOne(){ //location and shape of blob in top left
  ellipse(25, 100, 620, 700);
  ellipse(50, 300, 450, 320);

function thingTwo(){ //same as function thingOne but for bottom right blob
  xTwo = 650;
  yTwo = 600;
  dTwo = 500;
  // Test if the cursor is over the box
  if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, xTwo, yTwo) < dTwo / 2){
    overTwo = true;
    if (overTwo == true) { 
      opaCityTwo = 200; 
      fill(250, opaCityTwo, 110);
  } else {
    if (opaCityTwo >= 120) opaCityTwo = opaCityTwo - 5;
    fill(250, opaCityTwo, 110);
    overTwo = false;

function drawTwo(){ //location and shape of blob in bottom right
  ellipse(650, 600, 600, 500);
  ellipse(800, 450, 400, 400);

function thingThree(){ //same as function thingOne but for top right blob
  xThree = 700;
  yThree = -20;
  dThree = 500;
  // Test if the cursor is over the box
  if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, xThree, yThree) < dThree / 2){
    overThree = true;
    if (overThree == true) { 
      opaCityThree = 255; 
      fill(250, 120, opaCityThree);
  } else {
    if (opaCityThree >= 110) opaCityThree = opaCityThree - 3;
    fill(250, 120, opaCityThree);
    overThree = false;

function drawThree(){ //location and shape of blob in top right
  ellipse(700, -20, 550, 300);

function thingFour(){ //same as function thingOne but for center blob
  xFour = 475;
  yFour = 225;
  dFour = 200;
  // Test if the cursor is over the box
  if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, xFour, yFour) < dFour / 2){
    overFour = true;
    if (overFour == true) {
      opCityFour = 255;  
      fill(250, 120, opCityFour);
  } else {
    if (opCityFour >= 110) opCityFour = opCityFour - 3;
    fill(250, 120, opCityFour);
    overFour = false;

function drawFour(){ //location and shape of blob in center
  ellipse(475, 225, 225, 200);

function thingFive(){ //same as function thingOne but for bottom left
  xFive = 150;
  yFive = 600;
  dFive = 200;
  // Test if the cursor is over the box
  if(dist(mouseX, mouseY, xFive, yFive) < dFive / 2){
    overFive = true;
    if (overFive == true) {
      opCityFive = 255;  
      fill(250, 120, opCityFive);
  } else {
    if (opCityFive >= 110) opCityFive = opCityFive - 3;
    fill(250, 120, opCityFive);
    overFive = false;

function drawFive(){ //location and shape of blob in bottom left
  ellipse(150, 600, 225, 200);

function dragSnake(i, xin, yin) { // for snake
  const dx = xin - snakeX[i];
  const dy = yin - snakeY[i];
  const angle = atan2(dy, dx);
  snakeX[i] = xin - cos(angle) * snakeLength;
  snakeY[i] = yin - sin(angle) * snakeLength;
  joint(snakeX[i], snakeY[i], angle);

function joint(x, y, a) { //for snake
  translate(x, y);
  line(0, 0, snakeLength, 0);

function createLetter(x, y, letter, vx, vy){ //object for each letter from the array, with loction, velocity
  return{x: x, y: y, letter: letter, vx: vx, vy: vy}

function keyPressed(){ //when hit enter key call word function
  if(keyCode == ENTER) word();

function word() { //for changing the letters on the screen
  playArray = []; //empty array that holds letters from string
  letterString = input.value(); //make the value of the input the new string (what you type)
  //reload the newstring into the array
  for(var i = 0; i < letterString.length; i++){ //load array with objects
    var x = map(i, 0, letterString.length, 100, width - 100); //map letters to begin
    var vvx = random(1, 5) * d[round(random(0, 1))]; //random velocity 
    var vvy = random(1, 5) * d[round(random(0, 1))];
    playArray[i] = createLetter(x, width/2, letterString.charAt(i), vvx, vvy) //call object

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