Jai Sawkar – Project 02 – Variable Face


//Jai Sawkar
//Section C
//Project-02: Variable Face 

var milkBody = '#99dfff';
var milkDark = '#008bcc';
var milkDark1 = '#80d7ff';
var mouth1 = 44;
var mouth2 = 131;
var mouth3 = 171;
var compli1 = 179;
var compli2 = 231;
var compli3 = 255;
var pupil = 9.5;
var pupilLeft2 = 274;
var pupilRight = 321;
var eyeLeft = 0;
var eyeRight = 0;
var bg1 = 230;
var bg2 = 247;
var bg3 = 255;
var m1 = 299;
var m2 = 239;
var m3 = 42;
var m4 = 17;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
    background(bg1, bg2, bg3);


    quad(217.4, 132.1, 301.1, 127.4, 307.8, 142.3, 225.4, 147.7);
    quad(225.4, 147.7, 257.9, 190.7, 339.4, 179.6, 307.8, 142.3);
    quad(257.9, 190.7, 339.4, 179.6, 339.3, 283.5, 261, 298);

    quad(183.5, 178.6, 185.4, 280.4, 261.1, 298.1, 257.9, 190.7);
    triangle(257.9, 190.7, 183.5, 178.6, 225.4, 147.6);

    fill(0, 139, 204, 80);
    triangle(183.5, 178.7, 231.1, 154.9, 225.4, 147.7);

    fill(0, 139, 204, 80);
    triangle(183.5, 178.7, 242.7, 171.9, 231, 154.8)
    line(183.5, 178.7, 242.7, 171.9)


    //left and right eye
    ellipse(278, 215, eyeLeft)
    ellipse(323, 210, eyeRight)

    fill(compli1, compli2, compli3)
    ellipse(pupilLeft2, 213, pupil)
    ellipse(pupilRight, 208, pupil)

    ellipse(m1, m2, m3, m4)

function mousePressed() {
    pupil = random(9.5, 14)
    pupilLeft2 = random(274, 280)
    pupilRight = random(321, 328)
    eyeLeft = random(25, 30)
    eyeRight = random(25, 30)
    bg1 = random(102, 240)
    bg2 = random(0, 204)
    bg3 = random(204, 255)
    m1 = random(290, 310)
    m2 = random(239, 250)
    m3 = random(30, 50)
    m4 = random(10, 24)


When beginning the project, I wanted to start with something normal and bland, but once clicked, it would turn into an unexpected reaction. It is for this reason I chose a milk carton and made the initial face quite neutral; once activated, a sense of euphoria fills the little carton, changing his expression & the background with every click.

Jai Sawkar – Project 01 – Self Portrait

Click to Change My Wardrobe


//Jai Sawkar
//Section C

var b = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 450);

function draw() {


    rect(201.7, 431.9, 268.2, 35.7);
    ellipse(123.7, 346.8, 113.2, 199.4);
    ellipse(281.1, 344.3, 113.2, 199.4);
    rect(202.4, 384.3, 270.2, 60.3);
    rect(202.5, 431.9, 270.1, 50.7);
    ellipse(205.4, 272.1, 220.2, 87.2);
    rect(201.6, 338.7, 74.9, 76.4);

    fill(167, 136, 105);
    ellipse(202.3, 239.9, 76.3, 22.3);
    quad(164.6, 237.7, 240.8, 239.6, 231.9, 201.8, 172.1, 198.6);
    ellipse(162.1, 114.9, 34.1, 117.1);
    ellipse(248.5, 116.2, 34.5, 113.2);

    fill(99, 95, 85);
    ellipse(216.4, 226.9, 40.2, 9.2);
    quad(172.4, 200.8, 196.2, 226.9, 236.5, 226.9, 233.2, 206.6);

//Face Infront of Shadow
    fill(167, 136, 105);
    ellipse(205.9, 133.1, 117.3, 165.3);

    fill(41, 35, 17);
    quad(143.9, 118.2, 147.0, 115.5, 147.9, 107.8, 143.7, 109.9);
    ellipse(146.1, 89.7, 6.9, 52.4);
    ellipse(179.8, 65.9, 69.3, 27.3);
    quad(266.3, 121.1, 263.6, 119.2, 261.8, 111.7, 265.7, 111.8);
    ellipse(190.1, 76.4, 89.4, 25.5);
    ellipse(199.6, 64.4, 80.4, 27.3);
    ellipse(223.7, 68, 69.3, 27.3);
    ellipse(231.8, 66.1, 69.3, 27.3);
    ellipse(262.9, 87.0, 6.9, 52.3);
    ellipse(264.4, 87.9, 6.9, 52.3);


function mousePressed() {
    b = random(0, 255)

I aimed to create a slightly abstract self-portrait that added a little flair. I began by using a series of shapes to create the body, and then mostly ellipses to create the rest of the face, and finally, used a variable to change my shirt color on each click.

Jai Sawkar – Looking Outwards – 01

Sensacell’s Interactive Floor Shows Trail of LED Footprints

This is Sensacell’s New Interactive Floor. Currently installed in part of the Comunitat Valenciana in Spain, this interactive floor lights up as you walk along it; the lights then slowly fade away as you move further from the spot. The installation has over 1,000 interactive modules, each using weight sensors and an LED lighting system to fulfill the piece. Sensacall is a small, interactive lighting design and manufacturing company based out of Thailand, and their work is geared towards architects & designers to be used in public spaces. All this is done to provide a more memorable experience for users.

It always interests me when designers and programmers alike strive to innovate mundane systems to be more engaging to everyday people, and this is something I would love to work with in the future. Moreover, the interest of merging the two different fields, design, and computing, to make a piece of art adds a new dynamic to the installation as a whole; this merge is the reason I am taking 104, and I believe there is a lot that can be fostered through these terms.
