“Synthetic Seduction” is an installation made by Taiwanese artist Shih Chieh Huang to investigate bioluminescence. The installation consists of many miscellaneous objects assembled together to create forms similar to creatures in the deep sea, and portrays movement through mechanical installations that try to mimic the movement of bioluminescent creatures. These objects come to life through glowing neon colors and the audible sounds of the continuous motions of the mechanics. This project is interesting in how it seeks to mimic nature, but a part of nature that we do not really understand. Huang exploits the methodology in which bioluminescent creatures use their lights to seduce and captivate prey to similarly captivate visitors to his installation. A critique that I would have is that the individual pieces seem extremely robotic and angular, contrary to the fluidity and curving nature of nature in the deep sea. However, that may be his interpretation of bioluminescent life, because he purposefully makes the mechanical sounds obvious to visitors.