LaurenPark-Looking Outwards-01

Brandi Twilley creates a series of paintings based on her memory of the living room she grew up in as a child. She paints freely, dramatizing this living room by using soft flames, as the artist revisits the memory of her home in Oklahoma when it burnt down. I find it really intriguing that the artist uses the series to show the happening and overwhelming movement of fire as it takes over the room. It is also fascinating to see the amount of detail in each object in the living room, while each object also has soft light that makes this scene so hazy. The artist can improve these pieces by being more consistent in the way she stylizes and inserts sharp details in some paintings, while not as much in others. However, this may be what lets the artist be successful in trying to depict a specific scene differently every time which shoes the haziness in her memories. Another successful moment the artist has is the way she portray loneliness throughout each scene, focusing mainly on the fire. I think that the artist was inspired by the way her mind’s imagination works when recreating this memory. She takes multiple parts that she remembers from that room and pieces the image together, binding it altogether with the dominance of the fire.

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