Paul Greenway – Looking Outwards – 01 – Section A

Displays that visualize the effects of climate change on nature

This project is a collaboration between artist Thijs Biersteker and scientist Stefano Mancuso that showcases the effects of climate change on nature by using realtime environmental data. Located in the Foundation Cartier in Paris, the installation is composed of multiple displays which present the data as rings of trees with a new ring being generated every second to show the long terms effects of the collected data related to climate change. I thought this project was interesting because of the way it was able to convey the long term effects of climate change in a clear and simple way. By utilizing software to convert the raw environmental data into visible tree rings, the project manages to present relevant information that would otherwise be hard to visualize in an engaging and dynamic way. A project like this shows the possibilities for future installations that combine software and visual representation to create unique experiences.

Video of SYMBIOSIA by Thijs Biersteker and Stefano Mancuso

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