Aaron Lee-LookingOutwards-01

Images: teamLab

teamLab Borderless is known to be the world-leading digital art collective lab consisted of not just engineers but also architects and artists. Like their name suggests, the team seeks for border-less communication between different genre of fields in order to create an transcending experience in the realm of media art. This project is inspiring since it breaks the traditional relationship between media art and space. Here, media art itself is an architecture. The project overcomes flat screens and challenges uneven surfaces and objects as possible medium in future. Its only limitation seems to be the safety issue. Considering many of the visitors are children and family, projected illusion might sometimes cause an accident. Although intentional, many visitors actually gets disoriented in this exhibition. Interestingly, the creator says that they were more inspired by the beauty of nature and sense of the organic more than anything else. The project proofs that the media art is ultimately about human experience and emotions not just special effects.


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