Lauren Park-Project-01: Face


function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 410);
    fill(115, 222, 210);
    rect(0, 250, 400, 400);
    fill(207, 146, 39);
    ellipse(110, 380, 70, 30);//feet
    ellipse(270, 380, 70, 30);
    fill(255, 223, 62); //wings
    ellipse(50, 240, 60, 100);
    fill(255, 223, 62);
    ellipse(340, 240, 60, 100);

    fill(255, 235, 62);
    ellipse(195, 200, 300, 310);
    fill(250, 195, 31);
    ellipse(145, 162, 60, 50);
    fill(250, 195, 31);
    ellipse(240, 162, 60, 50);  
    ellipse(115, 132, 60, 50);
    ellipse(130, 130, 165, 165);
    ellipse(240, 157, 30, 26);
    ellipse(227, 155, 37, 37);
    ellipse(237, 150, 10, 10);

    ellipse(145, 135, 10, 10);
    fill(255, 140, 3);
    ellipse(190, 210, 90, 30);
    fill(255, 172, 202);//blush
    ellipse(280, 190, 20, 20);
    ellipse(110, 187, 20, 20);
    fill(255, 235, 208);
    ellipse(195, 310, 130, 90);
    fill(163, 207, 54);
    arc(72, 78, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(95, 83, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    fill(163, 207, 54);
    arc(120, 86, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI); 
    fill(163, 207, 54);
    arc(143, 89, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(166, 89, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(189, 89, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(215, 86, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(238, 86, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(261, 83, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(284, 78, 70, 70, 0, HALF_PI);
    arc(112, 80, 80, 80, PI, PI + QUARTER_PI);
    arc(280, 83, 80, 80, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(250, 85, 90, 90, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(250, 100, 100, 100, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(210, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(227, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(190, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(170, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(150, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(130, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(117, 95, 110, 110, PI + QUARTER_PI, TWO_PI);
    arc(85, 60, 70, 70, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(99, 41, 77, 77, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(103, 41, 77, 77, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(277, 42, 77, 77, HALF_PI, PI);
    arc(75, 80, 50, 50, HALF_PI, PI);
    ellipse(330, 80, 70, 10);
    fill(207, 146, 39);
    rect(250, 335, 15, 50, 20);
    rect(120, 335, 15, 50, 20);


It was a challenge to try and create shapes for my piece and try to adjust their placements, while adding more color and different elements throughout the project. I created a duck face, which was inspired by the idea that people have certain expressions and behaviors that remind me of certain visual characteristics. And so for this project, by using different elements, I made a self-portrait of myself that I believe visually represented certain characteristics of my face when I make an expression.

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