Stefanie Suk – Looking Outwards – 02

Diffusion Choir by David Wicks, 2016

The project I was inspired by is called Diffusion Choir, a kinetic sculpture that represents the natural beauty of the movement of a flock of birds created by David Wicks. Holding hundreds of small elements that open and close individually from its custom software, this piece of work is driven by the simulation of flocking movements of birds. Over time, a small portion of the ‘birds’ come together and form a single whole group, collaboratively flying through the air. What I love the most about this project is how well David Wicks represented the flocking of birds just through the opening and closing of each element. Thus, the white color of the sculpture provides a soft, pure, and relaxing beauty of the nature of birds. The special collaborative movement of the sculpture from the algorithm creates an aesthetic unity between the nature (of birds and its movement) and men (from the computational calculations to move each element of the sculpture).

Installation of Diffusion Choir

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