Min Ji Kim Kim – Looking Outwards – 02

Quantum Fluctuations video visualizing the different events of proton collision. 

Quantum Fluctuations is a generative art piece created by digital artist Markos Kay in 2016. Working together with scientists at the CERN research institute in Geneva, Kay took the hard to understand quantum world, and used art and technology to visually display proton collision. Utilizing particle simulations from the laboratory, Kay was able to virtually paint the different stages involved in this complicated process.

Visual representation of Hadron Decay, the last stage of proton collision.

I was attracted to this art piece because of the chaotic, complex yet beautiful combination of motion, colors and sound. These different components come together to create a synergistic effect, really reflecting and mirroring the intricate process of proton collision. I really admire how Kay was able to use generative art to visualize what otherwise is not detectable to the human eye, and do so in a very aesthetically pleasing way. Looking at this artwork made me feel like I was inside the proton collision itself.

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