Gretchen Kupferschmid – Looking Outward – 02

Portait of Edmond de Belamy created by Obvious

Created by the art collective studio based in Paris called Obvious, the painting titled Portait of Edmond de Belamy was generated by an AI algorithm. I find this project to be so intriguing because it replicates a style of art that I don’t typically associate with technology as well as combines historical art styles with new technological developments. It also begins to question the role of creativity in machines and how we can distinguish the human brain and algorithm’s creative processes. The algorithm works using the Generative Adversarial Network algorithm and takes information from 15,000 portraits. The generator is fed the data from 14th and 15th century portraits to produce art and the discriminator reviews these outputs. The artistic sensibilities of this piece are reflected through the 14th and 15th century art styles and also through what the algorithm begins to learn about these styles and techniques.

A video showing the creative process of the painting

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