CJ Walsh – Project 02 – Variable Faces


var headHeight = 236;
var headWidth = 213;
var hairHeight = 236;
var hairWidth = 213;
var eyeHeight = 26.5;
var eyeWidth = 26.5;
var mouthHeight = 14.389;
var mouthWidth = 93.842;
var eyeY = 225;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {
	// hair
	ellipse (320 + hairWidth/2, 240, 200, 200);
	ellipse (320 - hairWidth/2, 240, 200, 200);
	// hair
	ellipse (320, 240, hairWidth*1.5, hairHeight*1.5);
	 var eyeLX = width / 2 - headWidth * 0.25;
    var eyeRX = width / 2 + headWidth * 0.25;
	// head 
	fill ('#E1C1B5');
	ellipse (320, 240, headWidth, headHeight);
	// eyes 
	fill ('#77A7D9');
	ellipse (eyeLX, eyeY, eyeWidth, eyeHeight);
	ellipse (eyeRX, eyeY, eyeWidth, eyeHeight);
	// mouth 
	fill ('#D880AA');
	ellipse (320, 285, mouthWidth, mouthHeight);

function mousePressed() {
	headWidth = random (100, 300);
	headHeight = random (100, 300);
	eyeHeight = random (10, 50);
	eyeWidth = random (10, 40);
	mouthHeight = random (5, 50);
	mouthWidth = random (20, 70);
	eyeY = random (180, 250);
	hairHeight = random (100, 350);
	hairWidth = random (100, 350);

My inspiration started out as being inspired by my self portrait from last week. I wanted to make simple faces that when changed randomly would create fun combinations and expressions. I used Illustrator to sketch out examples of my ideas and used those sketches as my starting ellipses in my code. I thought adding some ellipses around the face could create some fun structures that looked like hair. After finishing my work, I realized it reminded a lot of Adventure Time when the humans wear their animal hats.

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