CJ Walsh – Looking Outwards – 02

Blooms by John Edmark

The generative art that I was super drawn to was the work of John Edmark. I have seen his projects, and every time things he has created amaze me. What interests me is the combination of media and the way he is able to confuse the viewers, while also instilling a sense of wonder. In some artworks, when the work is confusing it is hard to keep a viewers interest. But, his work leaves us wanting to know more. The other important element is the use of different media. His work utitilizes 3D making, light, movement and often sound edited over the finished videos.

His work is made using the golden ratio, the algorithmic ratio that is present in spirals within natural objects, ie. pinecones. Once he generates the forms, he coordinates the rate at which the object spins and the rate of the strobe to create the illusion of movement. Each of his objects utilizes unique and specific rates and combinations of forms within the golden ratio.

He outlines in his artist statement that a lot of his work explores patterns of space and growth, so it makes sense that utilizing a natural ratio is of interest to him. In my opinion, the work truly speaks to the creation of an innovative process and its exciting to see a piece of artwork that is unique from other works I have seen.

Artist Website: http://www.johnedmark.com/

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