Rachel Shin – LO2

Karl Sims, a second generation generative artist, explores the concept of art production via algorithms and repeated patterns. One of Sims’ projects that stood out to me was “Liquid Selves.” Sims used software and animations to morph an animation that depicts a soul leaving our physical bodies. The movement that Sims incorporates sets a tone as well as displays the skilled algorithmic patterns that Sims utilizes. The description states that “particle systems were used to disassemble and reconstruct various images” while “artificial evolution and interpolation of 3D parametric shapes allowed the creation of unusual surface transformations.” (Sims, 1992). I admired this particular work of Sims because it is a fractal-like creation that invites audience members to further analyze each component of the animation. While it stirs a sense of discomfort with all the “abnormal” animations, the artwork also suggests a beauty and uniqueness of the work itself and establishes a soothing tone to better reflect the society we live in.

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