This is “Keyboard Frequency Sculpture” designed by a NYU design student Mie Knuenfel. This work caught my attention because it is simple, but a very straightforward computational digital fabrication showing a simple set of data. Although there are many other sophisticated works with abstract or complex data, as well, this work was inspiring for me because I could easily relate to and it seemed approachable to look into. This is a 3D visualization of the frequency of which keys on the keyboard are used. The frequencies are spatialized onto a QWERTY keyboard, represented in blocks of different heights. I think the artist was sensible in the way he created a rather straightforward representation with the Apple keyboard that most people are familiar with. I believe that creating computational digital fabrication with complex algorithms and high technology is important and appreciable, but it is also important to keep in mind how the work would appeal to its audience. This work spoke to me with its directness and clarity.