Jamie Park – Looking Outwards – 03

Kitted Garments the Researchers Created, http://knitskel.csail.mit.edu

Knitting Skeletons (2019) is a project by Alexandre Kasper, Liane Makatura, and Wojciech Matusik at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This project combines coding with CAD software to allow anyone to design customized kitted garments. Using the software, people can create socks, scarves, gloves, and more that fit perfectly to their bodies.

Based on the video that the researchers have posted on their website (video above), it seems like they have created a software that would specifically serve to create kitting garments. The delicate software allows the user to explore with multiple pattern settings and width / length  of the garment.

I admire this project because it uses coding to bring something into life. I especially like the fact that this project, unlike other projects that create 3D artwork-looking objects, creates something that can be used in daily life. It will allow people to express their artistic sensibilities, as the final product will vary significantly depending on the person. Additionally, this project seems to have potential in helping people who need customized garments.

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