Steven Fei – LookingOutwards – 03

Parametric design approach has always attracted me because of its elegant rationale and the infinite possibilities that we are able to create through controling different variables.

In the article from Prof Levin, what I think is the most meaningful work is the  “Blooming” Fibonacci Sculptures by John Edmark. Gaining inspirations from the phyllotaxis algorithm, the designer creates several 3D printing sculptures that give the illusion of contiunously blooming and extending while spinning. Through accurate parametric controlling, the artworks achieve strong fluidity in the transition between solid and void. Among those sculptures, the foliage-like piece and the opus with three mobius-strip-like pieces stacked on top of each other impressed me the most. As an architecture student, I once programed a similar “mobius” structure too through the use of Grasshopper and GhPython. Upon using the two plugins, I was able to control the number and size of the basic u-grids that made up of the circular section and the number and spacing of the v-grids that connects horizontally around the rims. Meanwhile, I was also able to decide where to start and end the shape. However, when I created such form, I only thought about of static shape while neglecting the dynamics when taking those parameters to flow overtime. I strongly admire the artist for his talent in thinking in a dynamic way to generate this amazing visual effect while rotating the object.

Moreover, in creating such moving and complex geometries, the artist managed to control those parameters so that the individual pieces can grow or morph while not interfering with each other overtime. Meanwhile, the individual artworks are stacked or combined in interesting ways to create new looks and more complex connections. Ultimately, through the use of parametric designs, the artist demonstrates the dynamic pattern that has seldom been created before and successfully creates a never-stopping illusion to the viewers.

Click here to visit the official website by the artist

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