Hyejo Seo-Looking Outward-03

Frequencies created by Convivial Studio

This art work, Frequencies (2017), caught my eye at first because I thought it was simply a model of different area’s geography because of the rocky surface, and liquid-like flow was the cloud movements in that area. I soon found that the rocky surfaces were randomly generated from different frequencies of Perlin Noise Algorithm. These generative 3D models have been created by Convivial Studio for Autodesk Pier 9. 

Look of a model generated from codes on ArtCam

For this shape and color study, Convivial Studio used artCam to generate GCodes of the frequencies of Perlin Noise Algorithm for the CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines, which, then, generated infinite 3D models of the rocky surface. Then, these models were carved into condensed polyurethane foam board, added with the projection layer of different patterns changing over this board. This was a way of the team trying to challenge the viewer’s perception and get them engaged. This projection was created with several softwares such as openFramewors, ofxMtlMapping2D, ofxFlowTools and etc. 

It was very intriguing and eye-opening to see how lines of codes of noise frequencies could be translated into such beautiful art piece. 

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