//Jamie Park jiminp@andrew.cmu.edu
//15-104 Section E Project #3
function setup(){
//angle variable for the rotating square
var angle = 0;
function draw(){
background (0);
//rectangle on the right top corner that changes colors
fill(100, mouseX, 200);
rect(540, height / 6, 200, 160, 30, 0, 15, 20);
//square on the left bottom that rotates when the mouse is moved
translate(80, 390);
rotate(180 + mouseX / 50, 300 + mouseY / 50);
fill(mouseX, mouseX, mouseY);
ellipse(30, 30, 70, 70);
angle = angle + 2;
//bottom right square that changes size and color when the mouse is moved
fill(mouseX, mouseY, 245);
rect(width * 0.7, height * 0.7, mouseY, mouseY, 20);
//ellipse on top of a rectangle that changes size and color
fill(mouseX, mouseY, mouseY);
ellipse(width * 0.7, height* 0.7, mouseX / 2, mouseX / 2);
//the rectangles that shift y axis when the mouse is moved
fill(255, 110, 163);
rect(mouseX + 50, height / 3, 70, 300, 10);
fill(194, 252, 3);
rect(mouseX, height / 3, 100, 220, 10);
fill(82, 217, 255);
rect(mouseX + 150, height / 7, 60, 40, 10);
I had a lot of fun manipulating the colors, size, position and angle of various elements using x and y coordinates of the mouse. It’s interesting to see the various things one can do through using mouse coordinate!