Monica Chang – Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing

Suggestion: move cursor in circular motions around the canvas.


//Monica Chang
//Section D

var angle = 0;
var x = 0;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);

function draw() {

// changing color of background as mouse moves around canvas.
  background(mouseX, mouseY, 245); 
//mouseX controls x location
  fill(255, 150);
  ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, mouseY, mouseY);
// mouseY controls y location AND size
  fill(0, 159);
  ellipse(width - mouseX, mouseY, height - mouseY, height - mouseY);

//spiraling circle meant to indicate how to move your mouse around and play with it.
  ellipse (x ,0,50,50);
  angle = angle +5;
  x = x + 0.5;
  //sending spiral circle return to center and then draw again>

  if (x == 300){
    x = 0;


I wanted to explore the use of depth perception within this piece by playing with the size and position. I also integrated what we learned in recitation where we created a spiral; however, I wanted to take it to another level by drawing it continuously while it redraws in a different position. Once it hits the edge of the canvas I wanted the spiral movement to continue again from the center. I struggled to get it to move smoothly but I am still happy with the results.

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