Jina Lee – Looking Outwards 03


As I was looking up computational fabrication, I stumbled upon the Hyphae Lamp. The co-founders are Jess Louise-Rosenberg and Jessica Rosenkrantz. In the science world, hyphae performs a variety of functions in fungi. In this context, Hyphae is a series of 3D-printed lamps that were inspired by the “vein structures that carry fluids through organisms from the leaves of plants to our own circulatory systems.” They were able to build it by looking at the stages of leaves, starting from when they were seeds to when they were fully grown. Each lamp is unique because it is completely one of a kind. They are 3D-printed in nylon plastic. They are run by eco-friendly LEDS.

This is a photo of lights.

As I was looking up computational fabrication, I stumbled upon the Hyphae Lamp. In the science world, hyphae performs a variety of functions in fungi. In this context, Hyphae is a series of 3D-printed lamps that were inspired by the “vein structures that carry fluids through organisms from the leaves of plants to our own circulatory systems.” They were able to build it by looking at the stages of leaves, starting from when they were seeds to when they were fully grown. Each lamp is unique because it is completely one of a kind. They are 3D-printed in nylon plastic. They are run by eco-friendly LEDS. It was made with c++ using CGAL.

The lamps do not all posses the same shape. Some are chandeliers while others are just wall lights or lamps.

I thought that this project was interesting because I usually don’t see designs being influenced by science. I felt more connected to this project since last semester, in design, we created lamps out of paper. Being able to see the designer’s process and inspiration allowed me to better understand the purpose of the idea.  In the video, you are able to see the process of the lamp being built and it made me feel like I was watching the actual process of a leaf growing its veins. I enjoyed how the lamps do not posses the same body shape. Some are more circular while others are more natural and not a certain shape. There were even jewelry that followed the same algorithm and material. Overall, I really enjoyed researching this project because it is not just an aesthetic design. It educates people on hyphae while also acting as a lamp.

This lamp is the chandelier.
This is the algorithm diagram used to produce the lamps.

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