Lauren Park- Project-03- Dynamic Drawing


function setup() {
  createCanvas(640, 480);
function draw() {
  background(random(mouseX, mouseY));
  var colorR = (mouseX, mouseY);
  var colorB =  (mouseX, mouseY);
  var colorG = (random, mouseY);
  //background color changes as mouse moves right
   if (mouseX < 0){
   if (mouseX > 0){
   if (mouseX > 100){
    background(colorG, 270, 37);
   if (mouseX > 300){
    background(250, 150, colorB);
    var moveX = random(0, mouseX/5);
    var moveY = random(0, mouseY/5);
    var shakeX = (0, mouseX/7);
   //vibrates from 0 to 530 and above when mouse moves right
   if (mouseX > 0){
      var moveX=0;
   if (mouseX > 0){
      var moveY=0
   if (mouseX > 0){
    var shakeX = 0
   if (mouseX > 15){
       var shakeX = (0, mouseX/100);
   if (mouseX > 70){
       var moveX = random(0, mouseX/30);
   if (mouseX > 250){
       var moveX = random(0, mouseX/15);
   if (mouseX > 400){
       var moveX = random(0, mouseX/5);
   if (mouseX > 530){
       var moveX = random(0, mouseX/2);
   //increases and shakes bubbles when mouse move right
   fill(211, 242, 255);
   if (mouseX > 300)   
   ellipse(10+ moveX, 150 + moveY, 110 + moveX, 110 +          moveY); //light blue
   fill(281, colorG, 255);
   if (mouseX > 200)
   ellipse (80 + moveX, 235 + moveY, 130 + moveX, 130 + moveY);
   fill(129, 255, 104);
   if (mouseX > 350)
   ellipse(270 + moveX, 320 + moveY, 90 + moveX, 90 + moveY);         //green
   fill(57, 189, 232);
   if (mouseX > 300)
   ellipse(380 + moveX, 250 + moveY, 65 + moveX, 65 +   moveY); //blue
   fill(57, 232, 179);
   if (mouseX > 350)
   ellipse( 420 + moveX, 70 + moveY, 150 + moveX, 150 + moveY); //dark green
   fill(255, 142, 210);
   if (mouseX > 450)
   ellipse( 475 + moveX, 320 + moveY, 100 + moveX, 100 + moveY); //pink
   fill(81, 238, 255);
   if (mouseX > 450)
   ellipse(65 + moveX, 75 + moveY, 150 + moveX, 150 + moveY);
   fill(255, 251, 98);
   if (mouseX > 550)
   ellipse( 530 + moveX, 180 + moveY, 130 + moveX, 130 + moveY);
   //duck facial features shake when mouse moves right
    // hair
    ellipse(305 + shakeX, 355 + moveY, 12 + moveX, 25 + moveY) 
    ellipse(295 + shakeX, 355 + moveY, 12 + moveX, 30 + moveY)
    ellipse(300 + shakeX, 460 + moveY, 270 + moveY, 190 + moveX);
    // beak
    fill(255, 184, 56);
    ellipse(297 + shakeX, 460 + moveY, 90 + moveX, 30 + moveY);
    // eyes
    ellipse(350 + shakeX, 435 + moveY, 20 + moveX, 18 + moveY);
    ellipse(240 + shakeX, 435 + moveY, 20 + moveX, 18 + moveY);
    ellipse(350 + shakeX, 434 + moveY, 15 + moveX, 13 + moveY) 
    ellipse(240 + shakeX, 434 + moveY, 15 + moveX, 13 + moveY); 
    //mouth line
    line(320 + shakeX, 460 + moveY, 253 + moveX, 460 + moveY);
    //number of text increases and shakes when mouse moves     right
    if (mouseX > 50) {
    text('HUNGRY?', 100 + moveX, 150 + moveY);
    if (mouseX > 100) 
    text('HUNGRY?', 360 + moveX, 100 + moveY); //dark green
    if (mouseX > 200) 
    text('HUNGRY?', 190 + moveX, 325 + moveY);
    if (mouseX > 300) 
    text('HUNGRY?', 400 + moveX, 340 + moveY); 
    if (mouseX > 300) 
    text('HUNGRY?', 20 + moveX, 250 + moveY); //light pink
    if (mouseX > 400) 
    text('HUNGRY?', 310 + moveX, 250 + moveY);
    if (mouseX > 500) 
    text('HUNGRY?', 10 + moveX, 80 + moveY);


This project was very interesting in ways where I was able to create more of a story by having objects change and be put into motion by moving the mouse. I wanted to express a feeling of hunger through the image. It was a difficult and challenging process to have the image move back and forth with the mouse, but also to have them vibrate to express hunger and more of an emotion.

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