looking outwards- 04 – ilona altman

video explaining the workings of the Weather Thingy

I was so happy to discover this project! This project is a beautiful mix of computation and sound. It is called “Weather Thingy” and it was made by Adrien Kaeser, a fellow bachelor’s student in school in Switzerland, last year! In this project, a musical can create music, that responds to, and changes with the local weather conditions.

I especially admire the visual design and the conceptual vision of this piece. Visually, this work is stunning, so simple and looks easy to use. I love the images that pop up on the screen associated to each facet of weather. Conceptually, I love the idea of the weather influencing song. It kind of makes me think about Ellaisson’s Weather Project/ meditating on how weather is one of the ways we experience nature within our city, it is an ever-present source of chaos. (link below)


Algorithmically, I would guess that each input (of the weather, and the musicians movements on the keyboard), are combined together in the ratio requested by the musician. Each weather input (rain, wind speed) affects a different aspect of the music. Thus the input of the music from the musical must also be analyzed according to these distinct parts so that it can be mixed with the weather inputs accordingly.

The artists artistic sensibility is present even within the name of this project, which is really funny and causal. A sensibility for clear design is also present within both the project’s interface and the documentation.

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