Fanjie Mike Jin – Project 04 – String Art


//Fanjie Mike Jin
//Section C

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {

    for (var i = 0; i < 401; i += 10){
 //top left curved lines
      stroke(179, 223, 242);
      line(i, 300, 0, i);
 //top left curved lines
      stroke(179, 183, 242);
      line(400 + i, 300, 0, i);
 //bottom right curved lines
      stroke(115, 236, 235);
      line(i, 300, 0, i / 2);
 //bottom right curved lines
      stroke(179, 223, 242);
      line(400 - i, 300, 400, i / 2);
//top right curved lines
      stroke(179, 223, 242);
      line(400 - i, 300, 400, i);
//top right curved lines
      stroke(179, 183, 242);
      line( - i, 300, 400, i);
//bottom left curved lines
      stroke(179, 223, 242);
      line(i , 0, 400, i * height / width / 2);
//bottom left curved lines
      stroke(115, 236, 235);
      line(i, 0, 400, i * height / width);
//top right curved lines
      stroke(115, 236, 235);
      line(400 - i, 0, 0, i * height / width / 2);
//top right curved lines
      stroke(115, 236, 235);
      line(400 - i, 0, 0, i * height / width);
// center line
      stroke(115, 236, 235);
      line(i ,0 ,0 ,i);
// center line
      stroke(115, 236, 235);
      line(400 - i ,0 ,400, i);

In this project, I was interested in using a repetitive pattern to create an interesting composition. I was trying to use different curved lines to show depth of the layers and ultimately create a strong sense of different hierarchies.

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