Ellan Suder – Project 04 – String Art

I first started with drawing several parabolic curves in function draw(). Then after making a shape I liked, I moved it over into its own function like the owl example and used another two for loops to replicate it with different x,y values.

The original shape

string art

Ellan Suder
15104 1 D

//I first started with drawing several parabolic curves in function draw().
//Then after making a shape I liked, I moved it over into its own function 
//like the owl example and used another two for loops to replicate it with different x,y values.

var t = 0;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    t = 0;

function draw() {
    //changes color based on mouseX, mouseY
    var r = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 230);
    var g = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 230);
    var b = 230 * noise(t+20);
    t = t + 0.05;
    //determines x and y of shapes. I made them overlap each other
    for (var y = -height/2; y < height*2; y += height/2){ 
        for (var x = -height/2; x < width*2; x += height/2) {
            shape(x, y);

function shape(x,y) {
	var n = 20;
    var linespacing = height/(n*2);


	for(var i = 0; i<n; i++)
    line(0,0+linespacing*i, //x1, y1. begin at 0,0 and go down linespacing
         0+linespacing*i,height/2); //x2, y2. point goes right along height/2 linespacing each time

    line(height,0+linespacing*i, //x1, y1. begin at height and go down
         height-linespacing*i,height/2); //x2, y2. begin at height,height/2 and go left

    line(height/2,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at height/2,height/2 and go down
         height-linespacing*i,height/2); //begin at height,height/2 and go left
    line(height/2,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at height/2,height/2 and go down
         0+linespacing*i,height/2); //begin at 0,height/2 and go right

    line(0,0+linespacing*i, //begin at 0,0 and go down
         height/2-linespacing*i,0); //begin at height/2,0 and go left

    line(height,0+linespacing*i, //begin at height,0 and go down
         height/2+linespacing*i,0); //begin at height/2,0 and go right

    line(height,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at height,height/2 and go down
         height-linespacing*i,height); //begin at height,height and go left

    line(0,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at 0,height/2 and go down
         0+linespacing*i,height); //begin at height/2 and go right

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