I first started with drawing several parabolic curves in function draw(). Then after making a shape I liked, I moved it over into its own function like the owl example and used another two for loops to replicate it with different x,y values.
Ellan Suder
15104 1 D
//I first started with drawing several parabolic curves in function draw().
//Then after making a shape I liked, I moved it over into its own function
//like the owl example and used another two for loops to replicate it with different x,y values.
var t = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 300);
t = 0;
function draw() {
//changes color based on mouseX, mouseY
var r = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 230);
var g = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 230);
var b = 230 * noise(t+20);
t = t + 0.05;
//determines x and y of shapes. I made them overlap each other
for (var y = -height/2; y < height*2; y += height/2){
for (var x = -height/2; x < width*2; x += height/2) {
shape(x, y);
function shape(x,y) {
var n = 20;
var linespacing = height/(n*2);
for(var i = 0; i<n; i++)
line(0,0+linespacing*i, //x1, y1. begin at 0,0 and go down linespacing
0+linespacing*i,height/2); //x2, y2. point goes right along height/2 linespacing each time
line(height,0+linespacing*i, //x1, y1. begin at height and go down
height-linespacing*i,height/2); //x2, y2. begin at height,height/2 and go left
line(height/2,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at height/2,height/2 and go down
height-linespacing*i,height/2); //begin at height,height/2 and go left
line(height/2,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at height/2,height/2 and go down
0+linespacing*i,height/2); //begin at 0,height/2 and go right
line(0,0+linespacing*i, //begin at 0,0 and go down
height/2-linespacing*i,0); //begin at height/2,0 and go left
line(height,0+linespacing*i, //begin at height,0 and go down
height/2+linespacing*i,0); //begin at height/2,0 and go right
line(height,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at height,height/2 and go down
height-linespacing*i,height); //begin at height,height and go left
line(0,height/2+linespacing*i, //begin at 0,height/2 and go down
0+linespacing*i,height); //begin at height/2 and go right