Sewon Park – PO – 04


// Sewon Park
// Section B
// sewonp-po-04

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
      for (var a = 0; a <= 100; a+=5) {
        stroke(255, 255, 255);
        line(a,0,0,height); // White Lines from bottom left corner
        line(0,a,400,0); // White Lines from top right corner

      for (var b = 300; b <= 400; b+=5) {
        line(b,300,400,0); // Black Lines from top right corner
      for (var c = 200; c <= 300; c +=5) {
        line(400,c,0,300); // Black Lines from bottom left corner

      for (var d = 0; d <= 400; d+=5) {
        line(0, height-d, d, 0); //top left
        line(d,300,400,height - d/1.7); //bottom right
        line(0, d*0.75, d, 300); //bottom left
        line(d, 0, 400, d*0.75); //top right
        //Curves in the four corners

        stroke (0,0,0);
        line(d,300,width-d,0); //Red Lines meeting at center




For the string art project, I tried to recreate the Sharingan (a special type of eye-technique) in an abstract fashion. The original Sharingan also possesses the three colors of black, red, and white.

Image result for sharingan

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