Sarah Kang – Looking Outwards – 04

Deguster L’augmente by Erika Marthins

For her recent graduate design project, a collaborative with ECAL (Bachelor Media & Interaction Design), Swedish designer Erika Marthins explored the ways to elevate the every day aspect of food by adding another of dimension of sensory effect. The initial picture of a slab of chocolate on a record player seems like just an artsy edit, but to imagine that the chocolate actually functions as a record was amazing to me. The chocolate record player is one of three desserts explored; Marthins embeds poetry into a lollipop and creates edible robotics.

Déguster l'augmenté ECAL/Erika Marthins from ECAL on Vimeo.

The chocolate record performs the same way as a typical vinyl record. The sounds produced by the chocolate round are made by grooves on its surface and when the record needle comes into contact with the moving surface, one can hear a high-pitched, wavering sound playing. Erika Marthin’s explorations as a designer is manifested through this successful project; she manages to create a poetic experience by achieving her goal to enable the diner to not only hear the sound of the chocolate, but to taste it.

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