Ian Kaneko LookingOutwards-04

Butterfly at Phipps Botanical Gardens

This weeks project comes from our very own CMU, specifically the experimental sound synthesis class. Two years ago, they did a project in collaboration with Phipps Botanical Gardens to create an intriguing soundscape a temporary butterfly exhibit.

I don’t know much about the specific algorithms that were used. However, I do know that they didn’t want to simply create ambient music that would stay on loop. Instead, they created soundscapes that constantly changed with the motion around them, meaning the same music would never happen twice.

The creators were still able to put lots of creativity into the music, even with the more unpredictable aspects of the project. Through the careful design of the synthesizers used, the tempo, and texture of the music they were able to orchestrate the exact feelings they wanted to evoke in the listeners.

Video by CMU detailing the project

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