Lauren Park- Looking Outwards -04

“Cycling Wheel” performance (2017) by Keith Lam, Seth Hon and Alex Lai

“Cycling Wheel” is inspired by Marcel Duchamp’s Bicycle Wheel, but takes this project on a new level of interactive performance that creates light and music. Using the mechanics of this instrument, the sound and visuals are generated by using a software made from computational language called “Processing”, along with three other units that control light bean, music, and LED strips.

I found it really impressive and interesting that the artists chose to take Duchamp’s sculptural piece and transform it into a new way of experimenting with the bicycle wheels and add another element of audio to it as well. Inspired by a very physical, tangible artwork, these artists create abstract patterns using lights and smoke that really made this experience exciting. What is important is that these artists did not only create an interactive instrument, but also used it to hold a performance for an audience.

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