Jai Sawkar – Looking Outwards – 04

Sonic Playground is an outdoor sound installation that features ingenious, colorful sculptures that modify and transmit sound in unusual, engaging and playful ways. Atlanta, GA

This week, I found an outdoor sound installation by Yuri Suzuki: Sonic Playground. This outdoor sound installation, located in Atlanta, is made up of 6 interactive sound sculptures that manipulate sound based on where you are in the installation. Using grasshopper, a Rhino 3D Model plugin, Suzuki computationally designed these installations using 3D ray tracing in order to simulate how sound can travel. Through this, users can interact with one another through individual installation.

Having experience in Grasshopper, it is super cool to see the possibilities with not only grasshopper, but with how you can use computational design to not only design material, but design products that are made to interact with people’s senses.

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