Min Ji Kim Kim – Project 04 – String-Art


Min Ji Kim Kim
Section A

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
    for (i = 0; i < width / 2; i += 30) {
        stroke(30, 255, 50); //bottom left green lines
        line(mouseX, i, i, height);

        stroke(255); //top right white lines
        line(i, mouseY, width, i);

        stroke(220, 0, 214); //top right pink lines
        line(i, mouseY, width, -i);

        stroke(255); //bottom left white lines
        line(mouseX, i, -i, height);
    for (i = 0; i < 400; i += 10) {
        stroke(230, 240, 39); //yellow curve
        line(mouseX, i, i, height - mouseY);

        stroke(34,206,255); //blue curve
        line(-mouseX, i, i, mouseY);
        stroke(140, 0, 255); //purple curve
        line(mouseX, i, i, -mouseY);

        stroke(255, 131, 0); //orange curve
        line(width - mouseX, i, i, mouseY);

This week’s project was both fun and challenging at the same time. I initially struggled trying to manipulate the movement of the curves but after a little while I got used to it. I got the color inspiration from the lasers at Illenium’s concert.

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