Gretchen Kupferschmid-String Art-Project 04

with this project, I wanted to play around with color and the way layering string art and color can create an abstract piece of art.


function setup() {
 function draw (){
    background(235, 192, 52);
    for (i= 0; i<200; i+=5){
    stroke(244, 192, 252);
    line(i-100, 0, 400, i)
    stroke(244, 192, 252);
    line(0, i, i, 200)
    stroke(244, 192, 252);
    line(i, 200, 0, 600-i)
    line(i, 250, 0, 300-i)
    for(i=0; i<400; i+=10){
    line(400, 300-i , i, 300);
    line(400, 200-i , i, 300);
    line(400, 100-i , i, 300);
    line(400, 50-i , i, 300);
    stroke(209, 61, 90);
    line(100-i, 150, mouseX, mouseX);
    line(300-i,0, i-290, 150);

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