Jina Lee – Looking Outwards 05

This video is about Chris Labrooy’s project “Automobile Citroen.”

This is what he created for Citroen.

For this week, I stumbled upon Chris Labrooy. He graduated from the RCA with a MA in design products. Labrooy first started to use 3D as a simple tool to visualize ideas for furniture and products. As time passed, 3D technology and software evolved drastically, allowing Labrooy to explore CGI. He is based in Scotland. You can also see his work in UK, Europe, and the U.S.

This is a close up of his design.

Citroen asked him to create a 3D sculpture that explored the genealogy of the new Citroen C3 car. The cars featured in his design include the 2CV, Visa, AX, Saxo, C3 gen 1, C3 gen 2 and the new Citroen C3. In order to create this, he used Cinema 4D. For his rendering, he used V-Ray.

I thought his work was extremely interesting, because you usually do not see cars being ringed together. In addition, he did not change the cars completely. He keep all the elements of the cars. Though he distorted the cars, he was able to maintain key elements that the cars have. For example, if you look at the photo below, the white car has an opening at the front of its car, while the blue car next to it, has a long vent.

In order to create this, I belie that Labrooy had to make multiple layers. I feel like he had a separate file for the background so that it is easier to render. And then, he made the front undistorted car by itself. The other cars that are intertwined with each other are all rendered in a file together.  I am unsure how he was able to create such a complex yet extremely detailed work. When I zoom into the work, I am always surprised at how detailed the overall piece is.

This photo is a close up of the cars, which gives viewers a better idea of how he was able to keep the elements of the car while distorting them.

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