Chaotic Atmospheres creates 3D depictions of environments and landscapes. I admire that Chaotic Atmospheres creates illustrations from a wide variety of nature.

Not only are there illustrations of scenery from far away, but Chaotic Images used a flow map on a personal project to create a series of up close images. Eroded Leaves is a vegetation flow map of the Sycamore Maple Acer Trees. This series includes 3D depictions of the Japanese Maple, the Silver Maple, the Cappadocian Maple, and more.
One critique that I have is that although Chaotic Images creates an abundance of different pieces, it does not seem as if there is any specific”style” that really represents “Chaotic Images’ Art”. Because the pieces are so different and diverse (up close vs far away, animals vs scenery, realistic vs animated) there isn’t any notable part of his art that tells viewers that a certain piece is created by Chaotic Images. This makes it less likely that the name and brand Chaotic Images has created will be widely known or spread.
Artwork by Chaotic Images can be viewed at this link: