Looking Outward – 05 – Ilona Altman

Even though I find the visuals of this work to be less lyrical than the concept, I find this work incredibly beautiful. Especially that it could only ever be created with a computer. In this work titled Blackberry Winter by Christian Mio Loclair this year, space activated by the body is explored. He fed images of different poses of the body relating to space to a neural network, which then created these simulations of human movement . I found it very interesting how what it means to dance is to explore the spacial potential around oneself. I admire that something without a body can give a visualization of what it is to have a body.

Image of imagined body movement / dance by AI n

The creators sensibilities are present in the final form by the relationship between chaos and organization within this piece. The chaos of generated body movements and a, at times, fragmented body is pared with an orderly. background and color scheme. The color scheme itself also reveals the theme of chaos and order, as the color was chosen by the neural network (chaos) after analyzing the color schemes of different artist works (order).

I am unsure about the way this was created because I don’t know too much about how one might program an AI to generate an image. I do get the sense though that it requires a lot of Data to “train” a neural network. And I would imagine there must exist a programming language that can represent three-dimensional data/space which helps to encode the motion.

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