The haunting and eerie image, Golden Skull, was created by CG director and environment artist Hirokazu Yokohara within 5 days. The article states that the project was created with Blender add-on Graswald, EEVEE, and Cinema 4D. I admired this particular project because it incorporates a variety of lighting, shading, and layering abilities to create such a realistic image to be 3D printed. Such techniques are crucial when it comes to CG projects in movies. The realistic aspect of such meticulously designed items in movies give the wow factor to audience members. I suppose that the image was created by a variety of layering skills with shading and lighting changes implemented to create the realistic factor. The creator’s artistic sensibilities are manifested in the final form by using all his techniques and abilities to produce a realistic CG. As someone who is interested in film producing, I appreciate all the CG artists out there who take the time to give life to inanimate images.