Taisei Manheim – Looking Outward – 06

The project that I chose was a piece called Color-Wander by Matt DesLauriers, a generative artist and creative coder from Toronto.  Color-Wander is a high resolution generative artwork that shows lines that are randomly drawn and produces a different pattern of lines and colors every time that it is clicked.  This project combines Node.js and HTML Canvas because it does well at handling larger resolutions. In order to make the image more polished, Matt used photos of snails, flowers, architecture, geometry and more as distortion maps to drive the algorithm.  When choosing colors, rather than choosing colors by hand he sourced the top 200 palettes from an online design community forum.  I find this project to be interesting because each time you click everything changes about the image, such as the density of strokes, stroke type, and overall style of the image rather than just the colors changing.

link to project
Example of an image produced by clicking.

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