Steven Fei-Looking Outwards-06

    Randomness has brought artists with a more natural composition of artworks. However, randomness in artistic expressions is still under intentional control to maintain a better big picture.

    The artist, Tyler Hobbs, who takes advantage of random numbers, combines his intention of relating randomness to graphical proximity, transparency, brightness of the specific elements to create amazing compositions. The Continuity No. 8 impresses me the most with its “random” intention to create the architectural space. By generating semi-random quadrilateral shapes, the artist carefully controls the sizes of the elements and allows the intersections of the shapes to become negative spaces. By randomly choosing focal points, the artist succeeds in creating a collage painting with multiple perspectives and transparencies. The overlapping areas are randomly distributed in adjustment with the transparency and brightness to give a visual depth and hierarchy. Meanwhile, contents from different layers are thus connected to give a pseudo-realistic effect.

    Such an interesting painting of randomness me inspires me that by combining the random numbers and sizes with specific parameters such as transparency and brightness, we are able to depict an architecture or even a scenary. I have never thought of random images or polygons can “have” such intentions to collaborate under these manipulations. What’s more, such a process will never produce two same compositions, meaning that the infinite graphical collages and abstract paintings can be created even under one same template.

The Artist’s Portfolio

Click here to see the thought process of the artist

The Continuity No 8 created by random polygons to produce a collage of architectural atmosphere




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