Aaron Lee – Looking Outwards – 06

by courtesy of Spotify

These articles talk about how the shuffle mode in the music streaming app such as Spotify seems to be random when it is not actually so random. Despite the fact that people use shuffle mode to discover new music, they often realize same musicians appearing over and over and abruptly conclude that there is a certain pattern in algorithm. Soon, many complaints were made by Spotify users and various conspiracies arose that the company was advocating certain musicians only. However interestingly, the playlist the Spotify provided were actually random. It was just that the people didn’t find it random enough. The article focuses that there is a clear difference between the true randomness vs randomness that people conceive. This may be similar to other media that deals with randomness. For example, although Jackson Pollock’s painting may seem random at first glance, there still are many biases and certainties actively decided by the vision of the painter. Therefore, the same logic applies to the music streaming apps. The developers carefully articulate the randomness of shuffle mode so that the people can feel the right randomness.



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