// William Su
// Section E
// wsu1@andrew.cmu.edu
// Project 06
function setup() {
createCanvas(480, 480);
function draw() {
background(255, 200, 200);
// Fetch the current time
var H = hour();
var M = minute();
var S = second();
// Compute the widths of the rectangles
var mappedH = map(H, 0,23, 0,width - 50);
var mappedM = map(M, 0,59, 0,width - 50);
var mappedS = map(S, 0,59, 0,width - 50);
if (H >= 6 & H <= 14) { //Change color of the background depending on time of day. (Morning, Afternoon, Evening)
background('#87CEEB'); //morning sky blue
} else if (H > 14 & H <= 17) {
background('#fd5e53'); //afternoon sunset orange
} else {
background('black') //evening black
// Display the minutes and hours.
ellipse(width/2, height/2, mappedH, mappedH);
ellipse(width/2, height/2, mappedM, mappedM);
noFill(); //Second "hand"
ellipse(width/2, height/2, mappedS, mappedS);