Charmaine Qiu – Looking Outwards – 07

Facebook Flowers

Image of “facebook flowers”

Stamen design is a visualization design studio that provides for clients across different industries such as artists, architects, and museums. One of their projects that I find particularly interesting is the “Facebook Flowers”.The project took the activities on Facebook of the American actor George Takei and translated it into a digital art piece where a flower grows following the activity of the actor. The team looked at one facebook post specifically, and translated the shares to a flower as each follow-on shares becomes a strand on their own. The pattern created drew relationship to a living organism when the evolving movement is captured to create a video. I find the work of Stamen design very eye opening since it interpreted a technological flow and transformed it to resemble nature. It is fascinating how we as humans are constantly surrounded by the theme of nature even in this ever changing world. 

Find out more on their website:

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