Yoshi Torralva-Looking Outwards-08

Jennifer Pahlka’s talk about the importance of designing better experiences in government.
Posters created to involve people in the city of Philadelphia to participate in polling using a texting feature.

Jennifer Pahlka is the executive director of Code for America. Code for America is an organization that works to tackle government-related issues surrounding experiences through design and technological lense. Jennifer Pahlka has a lifelong goal of impacting government operations to become human-centered. From 2013-2014, she served as the U.S. department Cheif of Technology officer, where she was able to change on a national level. In her Eyeo talk, she talks about her work in Coding for America. Through this organization, they select applicants from cities to work on developing a point of intervention that impacts government functions through design and technology. What I admire about Jennifer’s work is how her observations move her to start new initiatives. For instance, she mentions that she listened to someone’s comment about making our interactions with the government easy and clear. Through this talk, she was motivated to develop systems that met that statement. Jennifer also puts an essential consideration of the cost and efficiency of the production of specific interventions. She emphasizes that her fellows should consider the process of development. In focus to her presentation of her work, she explores her thought process in a transparent manner and how it answers her overall design brief. One project that I admire is involving members of the city of Philadelphia to poll in opinions to be used for town halls. Ultimately, it achieves the goal of making it more accessible for someone’s voice to be heard.

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