Lauren Park – Looking Outwards – 09

This project seems very fascinating in ways that animation and software can be used to make very detailed graphics of the respiratory system. 

I agree with Danny that this animation is not a literal representation of the system, but that it abstracts from actual biological processes that happen in our bodies. I feel that the artist, Alexey Kashpersky did not have in mind how accurate this representation was, and that maybe it was not as important as the visual appeal of the inside of the respiratory system and to let the audience know how vast and unique our bodies are by using color and different forms interacting.

The zoom in and out effect throughout this piece really added a flow to this whole experience that made the system feel like viewers are being walked through a story. Because of this, I enjoyed what seemed like a virtual tour of the many wonders that take place in our bodies.

This overall experience also makes me curious about the software used to create this animation and has me realize how much this tool can be useful in our creative practice.

Lungs in Silico 2019 – Alexey Kashpersky

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