looking outward – 11 – ilona altman

Allison Parish is an artist who is currently based in Brooklyn, New York, where she works at NYU as a professor in their  Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP). There, she teaches classes like Computational Approaches to Language. Most of her work seems to deal with poetry, and generative explorations of poetic space and poetic exploration. I couldn’t find for some reason any information on her undergraduate background, but I did find that she attended NYU’s ITP program in 2008.

A good example of her work is the twitter bot, The Ephemerides, which is a reflection of generative poetry exploring new frontiers, just as physical space probes explore the physical space around us –

exploring space, poetically and physically

This work was first made in 2015, though it has made posts up through 2019. I admire the aspect of this project that it exploration for the sake of exploration, and the simple contraction of the poems. Some of them are very beautiful. As a critical note however, I feel this project could have been pushed a little bit more, as the connection between the exploration of physical and metaphysical space and the simple diptych almost feels too surface level / maybe there could one been a more complex relationship going on between the images and the text.

really cool Allison Parish transcript – http://opentranscripts.org/transcript/semantic-space-literal-robots/

Allison Parish portfolio – http://portfolio.decontextualize.com

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