Gretchen Kupferschmid-Looking Outward-11

As a graduating project, Hannah Rozenberg of the Royal College of Art created a project by the name of “Building without Bias: An Architectural Language for Post-Binary”. This project is a digital aimed to calculate underlying gender bias in our english architectural terms to hopefully create more gender-neutral environments. The project works by using a algorithm which helps you find out whether or not a building is biased & helps the user add or subtract elements to improve the balance. The calculator in the program basically assigns a “gender unit” to various architecture terms (such as steel, cement, or nursery) and based of their “gu”, the user can then create spaces that are not weighted either more feminine or masculine by the calculation of all the components. I appreciate how Rozenberg has began to tackle something like gender biases and spaces in architecture because I think its something that isn’t given enough attention in terms of gender-studies. Rozenberg’s project allows design to still occur in a responsible manner and align traditional practice like architecture with ideas and societal advancements in the 21st century.

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