Lauren Park – Looking Outwards – 11

Camille Utterback’s “Abundance” is a commissioned artwork by ZER01 that was publicly installed in San Jose. This piece involves a setup video camera that takes the images and movements of people at the plaza, in order to translate these images and display it by projecting an animation. This animation shows silhouettes in color, of those walking in the plaza. These silhouettes are colored in cool tones unless if people are walking in groups, where then the silhouettes would be warm colored. I really admire how the artist aimed to create a piece that was ongoing and constantly changing by taking the whole environment of the plaza and transforming it into a digital piece. Different colored silhouettes seem to be highly significant, in how the public can easily view how many of those in the plaza came by themselves. Because of this, this project overall seems to create a conversation between strangers in a way. 

The artist Camille Utterback studied at Williams College and got her masters from NYU’s Tisch School Of The Arts. She currently works as an assistant professor of Art Practice at Stanford University. She is interested in creating interactions between technology and people, and so she continues to create digital artworks that connect computational softwares and human behavior.

“Abundance”(2007) by Camille Utterback

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