Lanna Lang – Final Project


Download the zip file and run the index HTML. I could not upload my sketch onto WordPress because my canvas size is 1000 x 1000. Read below to see how to access my project.

Instructions on accessing the project: To view this project, you must download the zip file attached above. Once the file is downloaded, a zip file called “lannal-project-12” should appear. Open the folder and then open “sketch.js” to access the code behind it.

Because this is outside of WordPress and my code has implemented sound, you have to create a local server to have the sound file playback to successfully view the project, so follow the instructions below (taken from Lab Week 10).

  1. Open a Terminal in OS X or a command window (cmd) in Windows.
  2. Change your current directory to the directory you want to serve: Type cd path-to-your-directory (ex. cd Desktop/104final )
  3. Type in Terminal:
    python -m SimpleHTTPServerOr if you are using Python 3, type:
    python -m http.server
  4. Visit the URL http://localhost:8000 in your browser to test your sketch.

My project is a rendition of Patatap, but with global warming and the climate crisis as the concept.

How it works:

Press the enter key to change between color schemes – there are 5 different schemes which go from cool colors to warm colors – symbolizing global warming and rising temperatures.

Press any arrow key to play corresponding graphics and sounds:

The up arrow key = the decrease and destruction of coral reefs

The down arrow key = the transformation of ocean bubbles to pollution smoke

The left arrow key = the exponential increase in the consumption of plastic water bottles and the amount of plastic in the oceans and our waste.

The right arrow key = the rising ocean water level due to the climate crisis.

In my body of work as an artist, I explore many concepts, but environmental awareness is one of the concepts I revisit pretty often. I was very intrigued by the Patatap project when we were introduced to it in a lecture, and I wanted to create my own version of it, combining with a discussion of the climate crisis. Coding this project in these past 2 weeks was a good challenge for me as it combined all the topics we learned throughout the semester: arrays, objects, for loops, if statements, images, sounds, noise, etc. I really want to expand on this project later and continue working on this, such as making it its own website, maybe as another project for another class.

As global warming progresses there is more consumption of plastic water bottles and more plastic in the ocean (depicted as the increase in bottles form a wave).

As global warming progresses, these ocean bubbles transform into pollution smoke from industrial technology.

As global warming progresses, the coral reefs in the oceans are disappearing and their numbers are decreasing.

As global warming progresses, the water level of the oceans are rising.

A screen recording of me interacting with the sketch. There was supposed to be sound but I think something went wrong with the screen recording, so this is just to show how the interaction works.

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