Project 09 – Computational Portrait

 * Eric Zhao
 * ezhao2
 * Computational portrait that "draws" an image using
 * an existing image. Clicking the mouse changes the 
 * orientation of the randomly drawn rectangles in 
 * relation to the center.

let img;
let smallPoint, largePoint;
let rotated = false;

function preload() {
    img = loadImage("");

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 600);
    axisShort = 10;
    axisLong = 30;

function draw() {
    cursorX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    cursorY = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);
    let pointillizeX = map(mouseX, 0, width, axisLong/2, axisLong);
    let pointillizeY = map(mouseX, 0, width, axisShort/2, axisShort);
    //changes width and length of rectangles drawn based on mouse position
    let x = floor(random(img.width));
    let y = floor(random(img.height));
    let pix = img.get(x, y);
    fill(pix, 128);

    //orients rectangles around center of canvas
    translate(width/2, height/2);
    x = x-width/2;
    y = y-height/2;
    rotate(atan2(y, x));
    if(rotated == true){
        rect(dist(x, y, 0, 0), 0,
            pointillizeY, pointillizeX, pointillizeY/2);
    } else {
        rect(dist(x, y, 0, 0), 0, 50,
                pointillizeY, pointillizeY/2);

function mousePressed(){
    //slightly greys out existing composition 
    fill(255, 192);
    rect(width/2, height/2, width, height);
    //changes rectangle orientation b/t parallel and perpendicular
        case true:
            rotated = false;
        case false:
            rotated = true;

I wanted to see if there was a way to unify the pointillism example code to make the developing composition feel more cohesive. My portrait draws random strokes (rounded rectangles) of varying width and height based on the mouse position, all oriented towards the center of the canvas. Clicking on the canvas causes the underlying content to be slightly greyed out and the orientation of the rectangles will change (from the short side facing the center to the long side facing the center and vice versa).

Picture is of my friend trying to be fancy while drinking bagged Earl Grey tea, a very unfancy beverage.

Project – 09 – Portrait

For this project, I used a picture that I took of my mom while we were at Epcot, Walt Disney World. We were in the Power of Color theater, which shone different hues of colors while we stood in the room. Because of that, I tried to add colors that shoot out towards the top of the canvas when the mouse is clicked.

 * Amy Lee 
 * amyl2
 * Section B 

var myPicture; 
var x = 0; 
var y = 0; 
var star; 

function preload(){
	var picLink = ""; 
	myPicture = loadImage(picLink); 

function setup() {
    // setting up star parameters 
    star = {
    		sX: mouseX,
    		sY: mouseY, 
    		size: random(5,15)

function draw() {
	// pick random x and y coordinates of picture
    var picX = random(width);
    var picY = random(height);

    // Pixel position to retrieve color from - constrain within canvas 
    var imX = constrain(floor(picX), 0, width);
    var imY = constrain(floor(picY), 0, height);

    // Get color of image at pixels
    var pixelColor = myPicture.get(imX,imY);

    // Wavy red borders around picture 
 	for (var x = 0; x < width; x = x + 1){
 		point(x, 35-20*sin(radians(x))); 

  	for (var x = 0; x < width; x = x + 1){
 		point(x, 376-20*sin(radians(x))); 

  	for (var x = 0; x < width; x = x + 1){
 		point(x, 65-20*sin(radians(x))); 

  	for (var x = 0; x < width; x = x + 1){
 		point(x, 346-20*sin(radians(x))); 

    // Shooting star of random colors 
    // make the star move to the left 
    star.sX = star.sX - 1; 
    // make the star move upwards
    star.sY = star.sY - 1; 
    // make the star smaller 
    star.size = star.size - 0.2;

// Creating Mickey Mouse head shape 
function mouse(x,y){

// when mouse is pressed, a new star is formed at the mouse (x,y) position
function mousePressed(){
	star = {
		sX: mouseX,
		sY: mouseY, 
		size: random(5,15)

Project 9 Portrait

The project uses transparency and the mouse IS Pressed function to achieve a variety of detail with the newly generated portrait. The new portrait can range from highly abstract to an almost monet like blurry vision.

Hold the mouse button to scramble the image.

Release the moue button to make the image clear

//hand in 9 project 

var img;
var pts;// amount of divisions on the canvas
var steps;

function preload(){
    //loads teh image
    img= loadImage("");
function setup() {
    createCanvas(480, 270);
    //center image on canvas
    //generate random grid subdivision
    pts = int(random(1,40));
    print(pts); // for dbugging

function draw() {
    //generate grid
    for (let x = 0; x<width; x+=width/pts){
        for(let y = 0; y<height; y+=height/pts){
            //get color information from pixel
            let c = img.get(x,y);
            //create the subdivided pixelated image 

    //hold mouse to rescramble the image 
    //release to unblur
        pts = int(random(1,40));

Project 9: Portrait

var myImg;

function preload() {
    var ImgURL = "";
    myImg = loadImage(ImgURL);

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    myImg.resize(400, 400);

function draw() {
    //randomize positions of pixels and get color from image
    var x = floor(random(myImg.width));
    var y = floor(random(myImg.height));
    fill(myImg.get(x, y));
    pixel(x, y);

    //also draw pixels following mouse movement
    fill(myImg.get(mouseX, mouseY));
    pixel(mouseX, mouseY);

function pixel(x, y) {
    //custom star pixel
    translate(x, y);
    //add random scale and rotation to each pixel drawn
    scale(random(.15, 1.85));
    rotate(random(radians(-90, 90)));
    vertex(0, -5.39);
    vertex(1.55, -2.26);
    vertex(5, -1.75);
    vertex(2.5, 0.68);
    vertex(3.09, 4.12);
    vertex(0, 2.5);
    vertex(-3.09, 4.12);
    vertex(-2.5, 0.68);
    vertex(-5, -1.75);
    vertex(-1.55, -2.26);

function mousePressed() {
    //reset the canvas to random color
    background(color(random(255), random(255), random(255)));

For my project, I chose a photo that my friend took of me at an art gallery installation called “Paraiso” in New York City. The installation consisted of a room with mirrors and many strings of stars hanging from the ceiling. I enjoyed seeing this artwork and wanted to reflect the stars and range of colors in the photo in my portrait, so I practiced using custom shapes to create a star-shaped pixel. To make the portrait more dynamic, I made the pixels to be randomly scaled and rotated. I also coded it so that the star pixels are drawn following the user’s mouse position. When the user clicks on the canvas, it resets to a random color.

Project 09: Computational Portrait

//Hayoon Choi
//Section C

let img;
var click = 0; //initial click status

function preload() {
    img = loadImage('');

function setup() {
    createCanvas(330, 440);

function draw() {
    //pointilizing the picture
    let pointillize = map(mouseX, 0, width, 3, 7);
    let x = floor(random(img.width));
    let y = floor(random(img.height));
    let pix = img.get(x, y);
    if (click == 0){ //drawing pumpkin initially
        pumpkin(x, y, pointillize, pointillize);
    } else if (click == 1){ //drawing ghost after one click
        ghost(x, y, pointillize, pointillize);
    } else { //drawing bat after two clicks
        bat(x, y, pointillize, pointillize);

function pumpkin(x, y){
    //drawing the pumpkin
    translate(x, y);
    rect(5, -10, 2, 6, 70);
    ellipse(12, 0, 5, 9);
    ellipse(0, 0, 5, 9)
    ellipse(3, 0, 5, 11);
    ellipse(9, 0, 5, 11);
    ellipse(6, 0, 5, 12);
function ghost(x, y){
    //drawing the ghost
    translate(x, y);
    ellipse(0, 0, 9, 10);
    ellipse(-5, 3, 5, 2);
    ellipse(5, 3, 5, 2);
    curveVertex(-4.5, 0);
    curveVertex(-4.5, 0);
    curveVertex(-3, 4);
    curveVertex(-1, 6);
    curveVertex(2, 9);
    curveVertex(6, 11);
    curveVertex(5, 8);
    curveVertex(4, 4);
    curveVertex(4.5, 0);
    curveVertex(4.5, 0);
function bat(x, y){
    //drawing the bat
    translate(x, y);
    ellipse(0, 0, 7, 10);
    wing(); //calling the right wing
    scale(-1, 1); //flipping the wing to draw the left wing
    triangle(2, -3, 1.9, -6, 0, -4.6);
    triangle(-2, -3, -1.9, -6, 0, -4.6);

function wing(){
    //drawing the wing
    curveVertex(3, -2);
    curveVertex(3, -2);
    curveVertex(6, -2);
    curveVertex(11, -3);
    curveVertex(13, 0);
    curveVertex(11, 0);
    curveVertex(10, 0.3);
    curveVertex(10, 2);
    curveVertex(8, 1);
    curveVertex(6.7, 0.7);
    curveVertex(6, 2);
    curveVertex(5, 1);
    curveVertex(4.3, 0.7);
    curveVertex(3.6, 0.9);
    curveVertex(3, 2);
    curveVertex(3, 2);

function mousePressed() {
    //making the shapes to change after mouse click
    if (click == 2) { 
        click = 0;
    } else {
        click += 1;
    if (mouseButton === RIGHT) { //right click restarts the process

Since it’s Halloween, I decided to make all shapes Halloween related. The shapes change when the mouse clicks on the canvas and it restarts the process if the mouse right clicks.

Drawn with just pumpkins
Drawn with just ghosts
Drawn with just bats



I chose the photo I took in LA. So, I decided it to draw and color with the text “LA” according to the mouse position, along with the pixels draw and color with the rectangle.

original photo
after first few seconds
after few minutes
after few more minutes

//Jae Son , Section C

var Jae;

function preload() { 
  var imageURL = "";
  Jae = loadImage(imageURL);

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);

function draw() {
 var x = random(width);
 var y = random(height);
 var ix = constrain(floor(x), 0, width);
 var iy = constrain(floor(y), 0, height);
 var clr = Jae.get(x, y);
 var mouseclr = Jae.get(mouseX, mouseY);
//fill and color pixels with rectangle
//draw and color text "LA" at my mouse location

Project 09 – Portrait

I wanted to create a replication of the portrait that could be either detailed and accurate or abstract. To do this I made my image get created by squares and circles that are created by a loop. The size gets changed by the x-position of the mouse (left is less abstract and right is more abstract).

//function that loads image of my face
function preload() {
    lucas = loadImage("");

function setup() {
    //canvas is the size of the resized image
    createCanvas(850/2.29, 480);
    //stores pixels from the image
    //resizes image to keep proportions
    lucas.resize(850/2.29, 480);

function draw() {
    //changes position of the circles and squares in the array
    var modifier = 10;
    //constrains the size of the circles and squares
    var restrict = map(mouseX, 0, width, 5, modifier*2);
    for(var i = 0; i < width; i++){
        for(var j = 0; j < height; j++){
            //obtains the pixel color at a given x and y of the picture
            var pixelColor = lucas.get(i*modifier, j*modifier);
            //fills with the color from the pixel
            //creates circles and squares that will replicate the image
            circle(i*modifier, j*modifier, random(restrict));
            square(i*modifier, j*modifier, random(restrict));

09: Dynamic Self-Portrait

The painting has a life of its own. I try to let it come through.It doesn’t make much difference how the paint is put on as long as something has been said. Technique is just a means of arriving at a statement.Every good painter paints what he is.

– Jackson Pollock

While this quote from Jackson Pollock’s celebrates a dynamic and ad-hoc approach to painting, this week’s Project was about understanding the technique even though the motion of particles and elements seems random. However, it is enjoyable to see how the code breathes life into the composition.portrait.

The project this week was an opportunity to merge different techniques from the p5.js toolkit. Mainly the two topics that I combined was “Particles” and “Images”.

I started off by experimenting with different parts of the Particles code from the in-class examples, to see how the behavior of particles changes and affects the composition. For reference, I set the image in the backdrop so that I could see the relative positions of the image in the canvas.

Merging Particles and image methods in p5.js

I used Daniel Shiffman’s tutorials to guide my process and used the steps he proposes to create code that gradually reveals the image through the scattering and random motion of particles. I used 200 particles, to create a play of “hide” and “reveal in the image.

One important thing I learnt is scaling the image correctly so that its scale aligns with the canvas created in the setup function.

Also, constraining the size of the particles and choosing the right variations contributes to a good computational portrait. For example, I ensured that the size of my particles lies between 1, 20 – if they were too big it would be harder to see what image is being rendered, but at the same time, they also do create a dramatic effect.

function Particle(x, y) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
this.r = random(1, 20);

As you see in the images above, I played with color value, particle size and mouse Interactions to show different textures of grain, contrast and color value in the portrait. I also used mouse Interactions to change the background so a viewer can notice the particles and how the interact.

//code citation reference
//Daniel Shiffman's Painting with Pixels:

var p = 2000;

var particles = [];

function preload() {
  img = loadImage('');

function setup() {
  createCanvas(400, 400);
  //image = createCapture(img); //??
  //image.size(width / vScale, height / vScale); //??
  for (var i = 0; i 

This portrait project taught me a lot, and I was able to strategize my process much better than before. With more time, I would like to experiment with this same image using Brownian motion and a random walk of a particle.

Project 09: Computational Portrait

I chose to construct my portrait from nucleotide pixels; nucleotides are the building blocks of DNA and RNA. Each time the mouse is clicked it switches the pixel mode to a different nucleotide: A for Adenine, C for Cytosine, T for Thymine, G for Guanine, and U for Uracil. If the mouse is held down, the pixels drawn will be randomly chosen from all nucleotides.

Self Portrait
let img;
var Nucleotide = 1;
var Nucs = ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G', 'U']

function preload() {
	img = loadImage("");

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);
  img.resize(width, height);

function draw() {
  	var x = floor(random(img.width)); // random x position for the letter
  	var y = floor(random(img.height)); // random y position for the letter
  	var pixel = img.get(x, y); // select color from the image and store in pixel
  	stroke(pixel);	//make the stroke color the color of the according image pixel
  	fill(pixel);	//make the text color the color of the according image pixel
	if(Nucleotide == 1) { 
  		text('A', x, y);	//A, for adenine
 	else if(Nucleotide == 2){ 
  		text('C', x, y);	//C, for cytosine
  	else if(Nucleotide == 3){ 
  		text('T', x, y);	//T, for thymine
  	else if(Nucleotide == 4){ 
  		text('G', x, y);	//G, for guanine
  	else { 
  		text('U', x, y);	//U, for uracil
  	if (mouseIsPressed) {
  		text(random(Nucs), x, y)	//while the mouse is being held down, randomize pixel letters (any nucleotide can be generated)	

function mousePressed() {
	if(Nucleotide == 1) {
		Nucleotide = 2;	//click once and set pixel letter to C
	else if(Nucleotide == 2) {
		Nucleotide = 3;	//click again and set pixel letter to T
	else if(Nucleotide == 3) {
		Nucleotide = 4;	//click again and set pixel letter to G
	else if(Nucleotide == 4) {
		Nucleotide = 5;	//click again and set pixel letter to U
	else {
		Nucleotide = 1;	//click again and reset pixel letter to A