Garment Inspiration – Sarah Xi

Even though I’m inexperienced with making clothes, I do enjoy drawing. As such, I usually look online for references I can use for my artwork or get inspired by what I see and draw off that feeling/inspiration.

In the three images I attached above, they each have elements that stood out to me in terms of both craft and design. As the first two come from the same collection, the way the pattern is used in an asymmetrical(?) way caught my eye. This is especially prominent in the first outfit, as even though there is a lot going on in the pattern, the dark colored blocks feel like they were intentionally placed to create contrast. This allows the fabric and garment itself to be seen better as its worn. As for what I liked about the third image, I loved how the entire outfit felt like it was perfectly fitted on the model despite it being on the baggier/loose side. The long rounded collar also brings uniqueness that I adore to the cozy layered design.