Robert Oh-LookingOutwards-02

One of my favorite videos on Rube Goldberg machines.

By definition, Rube Goldberg machines are machines intentionally designed to perform a simple task in an indirect and over-complicated way. These machines usually produce a domino effect, in which each device triggers the next one, and eventually reaches some end goal.

I found these machines very amusing and entertaining to watch. I love the effort the creator of this video put in to make this machine function just to turn a newspaper page at the end of the contraption. I also love the ingenuity of these machines, and how some completely normal action is humorously able to start the next action.

The creator of these machines, Rube Goldberg, was originally a cartoonist who designed his first machine in a comic strip. After much popularity, many TV shows and movies used these ideas, thus giving birth to the “Rube Goldberg machines”.  And so, Goldberg’s artistic sensibilities came to life in the form of these machines!

These machines give me inspiration to think outside the box and to come up with creative ideas!

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